Venia legendi “Software agent and multi-agent system research and application” Dr. Salama A. Mostafa Candidate for Senior Research Fellow Collaborative Robotics

Location: Institute of Technology room 121

Time: 06.11.2018, 16:00

Abstract: Software agent technology has been intensively explored in the past three decades. It is explicitly or implicitly applied in many systems. Software agent research covers a wide range of studies which makes it challenging for new researchers to comprehend the peculiarities and complexities of the technology. Consequently, this lecture contributes a concise overview of software agent research, modeling, and development. The aim of the lecture is to provide a quick start to new researchers in software agent and multi-agent systems. The lecture offers the following sections: (1) it presents the milestone achievements of software agent conceptualization, modeling and development platforms, (2) it illustrates the related terminologies of the field and reveals their improvements, (3) it summarizes the multi-agent systems technology advancement and finally, (4) it explores the currently active topics in software agent and multi-agent systems research.

Contact: Alvo Aabloo

GSM: +372 5078356