
Doctoral defence: Joonas Merisalu “Resistive switching in memristor structures with multilayer dielectrics”

On 26 August at 13:15, Joonas Merisalu will defend his doctoral thesis “Resistive switching in memristor structures with multilayer dielectrics”.

Doctoral defence: Maria Maloverjan “Optimizing Cell-Penetrating Peptide-Based Nanoparticles for Delivery of Nucleic Acid Therapeutics”

On 26 August at 13:15, Maria Maloverjan defends her doctoral thesis in biomedical engineering “Optimizing Cell-Penetrating Peptide-Based Nanoparticles for Delivery of Nucleic Acid Therapeutics”.
Karl Kruusamäe

Karl Kruusamäe paves the way for human-robot collaboration full of possibilities