The environmental impact and new application areas of bioderived materials were studied in the „Extending BioStyrene“ ER189 project, which ran from May to October, 2023. The studies focused on the capitalisation of results achieved in ER30 project.
The use of bioderived polyurethanes as a novel easily chemically recyclable filter materials were developed in collaboration with TalTech. The results indicate, that the performance of new bioderived materials is comparable with the existing fossil-based materials.
As a second part of the project, new thermally stable polymers from lignin derived vanillin was developed. These easily processable polymers showed great promise to be used in more demanding applications such as mechanically strong coatings and engineering plastics.
The project was carried out at the Institute of Technology at Tartu University and at the Department of Materials and Environmental Technology at Taltech.
Project name: ER189 „Promoting the novel bio-based materials for the sustainable polymer industry“
Partners: University of Tartu (Lead Beneficiary), Tallinn University of Technology
Duration: 01.05.2023 – 31.10.2023
Budget: 113 578,62€, EU co-financing is 99 995,45€
Project ER189 is implemented under the European Neighbourhood Instrument and co-financed by the European Union.