Graduation Thesis Defence

Bachelor and master thesis defences 3.-6. june.

Schedule of defences and thesis.

Please look at the Requirements for Graduation Thesis and the Procedure for Defence in the Faculty of Science and Technology

  • The deadline for submission of the graduation thesis on the Robotics and Computer Engineering curriculum is May 20 2021 at 23:59:59.
  • To submit the thesis, please register yourself to the course "LOTI.05.036 Master's Thesis in Computer Engineering". The thesis is submitted via moodle
  • The thesis file has to be submitted in digitally signed PDF format and the file must contain a non-exclusive license for the electronic publishing of the graduation thesis with the time restriction if necessary (the templates are 30th and 31th) .
  • If the publication of the thesis is not possible due to confidential information, then before submitting the thesis to the defence, the author submits an application approved by the supervisor to the vice dean for academic affairs to restrict the publication of the thesis and/or the publicity of the defence. The restrictions are set by the directive of the vice dean for academic affairs and should be marked in the license of the thesis.
  • The paper copy of the thesis is not required.
  • The defender is kindly asked to add a scanned image of his/her written signature right after the "Acknowledgements".
  • All the materials related to the work should be in the same digital container together with the thesis, which are usually appendices like the program code etc., including those loaded into cloud and/or development environments, e.g. Google drive, github, gitlab, etc. It means that these addresses can be freely referenced in the work, but the materials at these addresses should also be presented as files together with the work.
  • Also, the supervisor's opinion about the thesis and the permission to defend the thesis have to be submitted in same digitally signed PDF file via moodle along with the thesis.
  • The defender uploads the supervisor's opinion into the moodle.
  • The defender (or the supervisor) send the electronic copy (paperback if requested) to the reviewer. Also, the defender (or the supervisor) informs the reviewer about the time of the defence.
  • The presence of the reviewer at the defence session is highly welcome to ensure the high quality of the defence procedure and the objective grade for the thesis.

A recommended template for the thesis. Latex source. (revision: 14.05.2019)

Common European Research Classification Scheme (CERCS).

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