Topic: research

Margus Pooga
01. February 2023 research
Tanel Tenson
01. February 2023 research
Andres Merits
01. February 2023 research
Reet Kurg
Reet Kurg
31. January 2023 research
31. January 2023 research
Doctoral defence: Liubov Cherkashchenko “New insights into alphaviral nsP2 functions”
On 10 February at 13.15 Liubov Cherkashchenko will defend her doctoral thesis ”New insights into alphaviral nsP2 functions” for obtainig the degree of Doctor of Philosophy ( in Biomedical Technology)
23. January 2023 researchfor society
Consortium led by the University of Tartu received €30 million to upgrade the Estonian Centre for Biosustainability to a hub of digital biology 
The R&D centre led by the University of Tartu will combine synthetic biology with digital technologies.
University of Tartu researchers received €60 million to develop two international centres of excellence
Kaks Tartu Ülikooli juhitavat rahvusvahelist teaduskonsortsiumi said kokku 60 miljonit eurot.
06. January 2023 sustainabilityresearch
Arun Kumar Singh, associative professor of collaborative robotics
Autonomous and Kooperative Systems (AKS) Group
01. February 2023 research