Institute of Technology IMS lab is organizing an exciting day of webinars!

Institute of Technology IMS lab is organizing an exciting day of webinars!

The webinar “Technology as a driver for solution design” is organized in 3 sessions of 2 hours each and the speakers will interact with the participants to make them understand how technology can be a driver for manufacturing innovation.


  • Karl Kruusamäe is associate professor of Robotics Engineering at University of Tartu.
  • Alan Adojaan from Yanu. Yanu is a fully autonomous AI empowered robot that is far more efficient than any measly human bartender.
  • Alvo Aabloo is professor of Polymeric Materials at University of Tartu.

The webinars are organized in connection with an EITM project.

Find more info about the webinars and register FOR FREE here!

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