Heilo Altin, leading specialist in educational robotics

The educational robotics started in the previous century. The first such event is considered to be Seymour Papert's robot, Turtle, whose movements could be programmed - Turtle had a pencil attached, and the robot drew its movement trajectory on paper.

Educational robotics in Estonia started in 2008. Today, there are many different robotics platforms in Estonian educational institutions, ranging from kindergarten to highschool.

The goal of our group is to develop school-robotics in Estonia. Our activities are described by a comprehensive service model consisting of five steps:

  1. Generating interest
  2. Training teachers
  3. Acquiring equipment
  4. Developing materials
  5. Competitions

We cannot make every young person to become an engineer or programmer, but our goal is to provide an opportunity for as many as possible at an early age. Studies show that later in life, career choices often stem from hobbies and interests pursued in childhood.

Another goal of using robotics in education is to support curriculum through practical experiments. In this context, a robot serves as a tool to conduct physics, chemistry, and mathematics experiments using an inquiry-based learning method.


Heilo Altin- Senior Specialist of Educational Robotics

Ramon Rantsus- specialist of educational robotics

Martin Maidla -specialist of educational robotics

Chosen publications:

First-year dropout in ICT studies
Learning approaches to applying robotics in science education
Robotics in Education: Methods of Getting Schools Involved in Robotics Project in Estonia
Why students fail to graduate ICT-related curricula at University level
Why do students choose to study Information and Communications Technology?

NGO Robotics in Estonia

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