


Staffylococcus aureus kolooniad tardsöötmel

Teadlased arendavad uusi meetodeid antimikroobse resistentsuse kontrolli all hoidmiseks


Algab projekt stressitaluvuse mehhanismide mõõtmiseks

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Karl Kruusamäe

Karl Kruusamäe paves the way for human-robot collaboration full of possibilities

pehmerobot ja lille tolmukas

Scientists made a soft robot that mimics a spider's leg

Vectiopepi meeskond

Vectiopep raises €450,000 to develop novel cancer treatment technology

Tarmo Tamme portree

Professor Tarmo Tamm gives inaugural lecture on sustainable polymers and the future of plastics

Technologicumi projekteerimislepingu allkirjastamine

Design contract signed for new academic and research building in Maarjamõisa

#entrepreneurship #sustainability #research #for society

University brings top professionals and future technologies to Ida-Viru County

Reinmets ja Kasari Ilvese taga

Conference 2024: New Directions in the Scientific Landscape

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EIT manufacturing summerschool: Exploring the Market for Eco-friendly and Socially Committed Manufacturing
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The European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN) has admitted Estonia as its full member. For the University of Tartu, this means expanding its existing research, education and business collaboration opportunities.
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On 18 May, thousands of University of Tartu alumni met in the student city again after five years. The alumni get-together “Back to the university” included lectures and tours of institutes across the city, a sing-along and welcoming speeches in front of the main building, a procession and a grand party in the sports hall.
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On Wednesday, 10 April, at 19:00, the second University of Tartu Spring Run will take place.
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Development of data-driven technologies in manufacturing in Ida-Viru county
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Scientists Janno Torop and Kaija Põhako-Esko from the Institute of Technology secured the Experimental Development Grant for the development of an environmentally friendly, fluorine-free ski wax.
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25. jaanuaril valis Tartu Ülikooli tehnoloogiainstituudi nõukogu aastateks 2024–2026 instituudi direktoriks praeguse juhi, molekulaarse biomeditsiini professori Reet Kure, kelle uus ametiaeg algab 1. veebruaril.
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The theme week, running from 5 to 11 February, will include a social media campaign highlighting the work and achievements of women researchers.
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The Digital Cleanup Week will take place at the University of Tartu for the fourth time from 22 to 26 January.
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The European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) assists PhD students in developing their research results or patents into marketable solutions.
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15 November, the Office of the President of the Republic organised a nuclear technology seminar, where President Alar Karis was briefed about the specifics of nuclear energy production
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On 8 December, in UT Library, the competition jury opened the sealed envelopes with names of the authors of the winning designs for an academic and research building on the Maarjamõisa field. From the ten entries submitted to the competition, the architectural solution “Sudoku” by Kauss Arhitektuur OÜ and Väli OÜ was announced as the winner.
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The Fair Transition Fund’s consortium of Tallinn University of Technology and the University of Tartu will implement 22 research projects in Ida-Viru County over the next six years to support socioeconomic change in the region and meet the development needs of companies.
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The University of Tartu is inviting future international students to come student shadowing and live one day as a university student.
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Last week, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved the world's first vaccine against the chikungunya virus – Ixchiq. The vaccine candidate has been designed and manufactured at the University of Tartu. The human clinical trials were conducted by the biotechnology company Valneva Austria GmbH.
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The project BeeYeast brought the grand prize at the iGEM (International Genetically Engineered Machine) competition, the world championship in synthetic biology. 
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15 November at 19:30 in Jakobi Jalats Armin Mere, the electronics team leader of Solaride and firmware team leader Artur Salumäe will tell us more about the journey of Solaride.
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Patent attorney Ian Tollett will provide valuable insights on safeguarding inventions at a seminar on 22 November at 14:00 at the University of Tartu Chemicum (Ravila 14a), Room 1020. All are welcome to attend.
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The Estonian solar car team Solaride won third place in the Bridgestone World Solar Challenge in Australia at the end of October and got a special award for best performance in technical inspection.
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At the conference "Empowering Women for Leadership in Technology and Industry", held at the University of Tartu Delta Centre on 17 October, executives from several prestigious companies spoke about their career paths and lessons learned. 
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