


Uuringutes kasutatakse mudeltaimena müürlooka (Arabidopsis thaliana)

Tehnoloogiainstituudi taimebioloogid uurisid taime ainevahetuse kujunemist

#cooperation #international #research #for society
Clevoni sõidukid

University of Tartu launches initiative to improve safety of autonomous heavy machinery


Hacking photosynthesis to stimulate plant growth might be more complex than previously thought

Staffylococcus aureus kolooniad tardsöötmel

Teadlased arendavad uusi meetodeid antimikroobse resistentsuse kontrolli all hoidmiseks


Algab projekt stressitaluvuse mehhanismide mõõtmiseks

#for student #institute #students #cooperation #studies #teaching #research #for society
Karl Kruusamäe

Karl Kruusamäe paves the way for human-robot collaboration full of possibilities

pehmerobot ja lille tolmukas

Scientists made a soft robot that mimics a spider's leg

Vectiopepi meeskond

Vectiopep raises €450,000 to develop novel cancer treatment technology

Tarmo Tamme portree

Professor Tarmo Tamm gives inaugural lecture on sustainable polymers and the future of plastics

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On 9 October, the President of Portugal Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa will visit the University of Tartu.
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The competition will be held on Wednesday, 2 October at 10:00 in the Conference Hall of the University of Tartu Library.
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Join us as Swedbank Estonia will discuss the possibilities of virtual banking robots. The University of Tartu, Institute of Technology will introduce their exciting student project...
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The big telescope in Tõravere celebrates its 50th birthday! We invite everyone to the telescope parade on 12 October at the Tartu Observatory.
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As part of Tartu Mobility Week, all students, university staff and cycling enthusiasts are invited to join a bike ride on 16 September at 18:00 to get to know the most convenient cycling route between the Maarjamõisa study buildings, Vanemuise 46, and the Delta study building.
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CERN has admitted Estonia as its full member. For the University of Tartu, this means expanding its existing research, education and business collaboration opportunities.
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EIT manufacturing summerschool: Exploring the Market for Eco-friendly and Socially Committed Manufacturing
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The registration for three-minute thesis competition ends on 19 September.
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On 12 April, the University of Tartu and Kauss Arhitektuur OÜ signed the design contract for the new academic and research building. In addition, the partner will design the street area and the parking building.
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Alongside the creation of new technologies, Ida-Virumaa's transition to a sustainable economic model requires diversified skills and support for the development of research-intensive businesses.
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On April 4-5, 2024, a conference will take place at Aqua Hotel & Spa in Rakvere, bringing together researchers and doctoral students from the Institute of Technology to share new knowledge.
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On 18 May, thousands of University of Tartu alumni met in the student city again after five years. The alumni get-together “Back to the university” included lectures and tours of institutes across the city, a sing-along and welcoming speeches in front of the main building, a procession and a grand party in the sports hall.
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On Wednesday, 10 April, at 19:00, the second University of Tartu Spring Run will take place.
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Development of data-driven technologies in manufacturing in Ida-Viru county
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Scientists Janno Torop and Kaija Põhako-Esko from the Institute of Technology secured the Experimental Development Grant for the development of an environmentally friendly, fluorine-free ski wax.
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25. jaanuaril valis Tartu Ülikooli tehnoloogiainstituudi nõukogu aastateks 2024–2026 instituudi direktoriks praeguse juhi, molekulaarse biomeditsiini professori Reet Kure, kelle uus ametiaeg algab 1. veebruaril.
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The theme week, running from 5 to 11 February, will include a social media campaign highlighting the work and achievements of women researchers.
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The Digital Cleanup Week will take place at the University of Tartu for the fourth time from 22 to 26 January.
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The European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) assists PhD students in developing their research results or patents into marketable solutions.
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15 November, the Office of the President of the Republic organised a nuclear technology seminar, where President Alar Karis was briefed about the specifics of nuclear energy production
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