Doctoral defence: Siim Laanesoo “Novel High-Performace Biomass-Based Polymers”

On September 27 at 1:15 p.m., Siim Laanesoo will defend his doctoral thesis . “Novel High-Performace Biomass-Based Polymers” for obtaining the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Engineering of Bioactive Compounds)

Associate Professor Lauri Vares, University of Tartu
Visiting Professor Patric Jannasch, University of Tartu

Assistant Professor Peter Olsén, Linköpings University, Sweden

Currently, producing energy and resources are used mainly fossil-based resources. However, using depleting non-renewable resources is not sustainable and scientists are seeking alternatives among renewable resources. For example, up to 2% of plastics only are produced using renewable biobased feedstocks, while plastics production has increased extremely rapidly. For that, scientists are actively investigating biobased polymers, which could be competitive and offer a replacement for conventional fossil-based polymers.
The present study focuses on novel polymers, made from biobased buildings blocks, such as isosorbide, which is commercially available versatile diol and has rigid structure. During the study, isosorbide was attached to the methacrylate group to make it polymerizable. After that, various side groups, such as different pendant linear saturated fatty acids and lignin-related aromatics, were added to another hydroxyl group. These monomers were polymerized and studied systematically by different methods.
As a result, these thermoplastic polymers showed very different properties and can be readily processed at elevated temperatures. The glass-transition temperatures (where polymer becomes soft) ranged from 46–168 °C, which is very competitive among biobased polymers. Furthermore, polymers with long pendant linear side-groups (C14 and above) showed liquid crystallinity. The widest liquid crystallinity thermal area ranged from 16–132 °C. In summary, these polymers could offer a replacement for fossil-based engineering plastics.

Defence can be followed in Zoom: (meeting ID: 953 058 8152, passcode: kaitsmine).

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