Core Facility for Biosafety (ABSL3)

The mission of Core Facility for Biosafety is to improve national biosafety, biosecurity and provide high-level technological support for research community, both in academia and industry. We have equipment and technical competence to provide the following services:

1. Using laboratory equipment
2. Research and/or servicework (hazard class 3)
3. Making and growing tissueculture cell lines from mammal tissues
4. Infection in tissueculture model, where eucaryotic tissueculture cells are transfected with viral RNA or cDNA or are infected with natural and/or recombinant viruses
5. Infection in animal model where mice or rats are infected with natural or recombinant viruses
6. Infection in tissue culture model where eucaryotic tissue culture cells are infected with pathogenic microbes (hazard class 2)
7. Infection in animal model where mice and rats are infected with pathogenic microbes with purpose to investigate effect of treatment in infection model and/or to investigate pathogenetic process caused by virus/microbe
8. Work in general laboratory with non-infectious material
9. Other services

Please register before using our laboratory equipment or services

There is a fee for our services, please check our price list.

Here is a list of our laboratory equipment.

Before planning experiment, please contact Liane Viru (, phone nr +372 53436585) in order to create test plan for effective analysis.

Core Facility for Biosafety is located in 1st floor of Institute of Biomedicine and Transaltional medicine, Ravila 14B.

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