On 25 August at 12:15 Laura Sandra Lello will defend her doctoral thesis ”Unraveling the intricate nature of the alphavirus RNA replicase” for obtaining the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (in Biomedical Technology)
The Deputy Director-General of the European Commission’s Directorate General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs, Maive Rute will visit the University of Tartu.
On 28 April at 13:15 Kristina Kiisholts will defend her doctoral thesis “Peptide-based drug carriers and preclinical nanomedicine applications for endometriosis treatment”
On 10 February at 13.15 Liubov Cherkashchenko will defend her doctoral thesis ”New insights into alphaviral nsP2 functions” for obtainig the degree of Doctor of Philosophy ( in Biomedical Technology)