Topic: entrepreneurship

University of Tartu debunks myths about deep tech entrepreneurship at Startup Day
29–31 January sees the 9th Startup Day business festival. The University of Tartu will showcase its entrepreneurial research activities in the demo area, discuss the myths of the deep tech business on the main stage, and lead and organise seminars and side events.
30. December 2024 entrepreneurship
Vectiopep OÜ was elected the University of Tartu spin-off 2024
On 10 October, the City of Tartu presented awards to the best entrepreneurs at the gala in Athena Centre. Vectiopep OÜ, a company operating in the field of health technology, was awarded the title of the University of Tartu spin-off of the year 2024.
14. October 2024 entrepreneurship
Delta Career Day 2025
On 19 February, for the seventh time, the Delta Career Day will bring together companies, institutions, and students from the University of Tartu.
Vectiopep raises €450,000 to develop novel cancer treatment technology
Created by researchers at the University of Tartu, the spin-off Vectiopep has raised €450,000 from an investor syndicate led by Ivo Remmelg and Dag Nurm to help the company reach the next stage of growth.
29. April 2024 entrepreneurship
University brings top professionals and future technologies to Ida-Viru County
Alongside the creation of new technologies, Ida-Virumaa's transition to a sustainable economic model requires diversified skills and support for the development of research-intensive businesses.
Science-business cooperation is expected to support Ida-Viru County’s transition to a more sustainable economic model
The Fair Transition Fund’s consortium of Tallinn University of Technology and the University of Tartu will implement 22 research projects in Ida-Viru County over the next six years to support socioeconomic change in the region and meet the development needs of companies.
Women leaders shared their success stories at the University of Tartu
At the conference "Empowering Women for Leadership in Technology and Industry", held at the University of Tartu Delta Centre on 17 October, executives from several prestigious companies spoke about their career paths and lessons learned. 
Patent attorney Ian Tollet gives practical advice on protecting inventions at a seminar
Patent attorney Ian Tollett will provide valuable insights on safeguarding inventions at a seminar on 22 November at 14:00 at the University of Tartu Chemicum (Ravila 14a), Room 1020. All are welcome to attend.
01. November 2023 entrepreneurshipresearch
REPALY! Delta Trends Day 2023: "Artificial Intelligence: Hype, Revolution or Innovation as Usual?"
On 13 November, the Delta Trends Day 2023 "Artificial Intelligence: Hype, Revolution or Innovation as Usual?” takes place, where researchers and entrepreneurs from across the world discuss the topics.
20. October 2023 entrepreneurship
Delta Career Day 2024
On 28 February, for the sixth time, the Delta Career Day will bring together companies, institutions, and students from the University of Tartu.
17. October 2023 entrepreneurshipfor student